To Add fields to the job grid, navigate to the classic portal
- Hover over Admin and click on Application Admin
- Click on Production > WIP > Templates > Job Preview
- To create a new Preview, click Add Job Details Template at the top left of the screen and edit the template as needed
- To Add a field or edit an existing template click on the template to view and edit. In this example we will edit the Production Job Details Sample template.
- Edit the template as needed. A drop down is provided to select the fields to display.
- If you don't see the variable field you are looking for, it most likely can be added via External Data
Adding External Data -
- External data can be almost any field from any file in XA that is currently being synced by MES. To add an XA field from a synced file -
- Navigate to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Paperlessxxx\ExternalData folder on the MES server
- Example:
- Edit the file found MOMAST.XML (start with Test environment first).
- Add the entry in the format shown below, replace the yellow highlight with the XA file field name. The first entry in the red box is an example showing how to configure the Customer Job Number field from the XA MOMAST file.
- The format for the entry is
- <StringColumn name = "WhateverYouWantName" erpColumn = "XAFieldName" dataType = "CHARACTER or DECIMAL"/>
- Save the file after making the changes. Note: you may have to save it to the desktop and then copy the file back into the ExternalData folder replacing the existing file.
- Finally you will need to perform a FULL Sync to populate the database.
- The drop down in the Job Details Template should also now have [ Manufacturing Order External Data 'JobNumber' ] entry.
If you are not sure what the XA file field is you can use the DSPFD command on the iSeries to display the file field names and types.
DSPFFD FILE(AMFLIB6/MOMAST) - Displays all the fields in the XA MOMAST file.
- Navigate to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Paperlessxxx\ExternalData folder on the MES server