MES User Exits allow users to add new action buttons to the WIP screen and allow MES to open specific Webpages (or webservices) from the WIP screen, additionally passing them data.

The first step is to edit the MESUserExits.XML file, found under the Config folder of the application.  Some examples are provided in the XML file to assist in this task.

Add the following code to the <WIPButtonUserExits> section:

<WIPButtonUserExit Name="customerWIPButton" SortOrder="1" UserExitType="WIPButton" ButtonText="Cust WIP" DisplayUserInterface="True" Enabled="True" EnabledOnlyOnSelectedOrder="True"  RequestUrl="http://server/UserExit/UserExitTest" >


        <add name="ManOrder" value="[OrderSchedule.ManufacturingOrderOperation.ManufacturingOrder.OrderNumber]" />



  • Name is the unique identifier name
  • SortOrder should remain 1, unless there are multiple User Exits
  • UserExitType should always remain "WIPButton"
  • ButtonText is the Text as it will appear on the button
  • DisplayUserInterface should always remain "True" 
  • Enabled should always remain "True" 
  • EnabledOnlyOnSelectedOrder should be "True", if the button is only be be enabled when an order is selected.
  • RequestUrl is the URL.

The <Parameters> section contains the parameters to be passed to the URL.  In this example, the webservice will be expecting a variable named "ManOrder", which is the Manufacture Order Number from MES.   Contact the Help Desk with your variable requirements as not all data is available to be passed.

Next, navigate to the System Administration, ERP Configuration, Default User Exist for Workcenters section:

Press the [Load User Exits] button, and the User Exit definitions will be loaded from the XML document.

Configure the button's Authentication, Visibility and Top Job visibility.  When completed, press [SAVE] at the bottom of the screen.

If the button should be available to ALL Workcenters, now click the "Apply to All Workcenters" checkbox, and press [SAVE] at the bottom of the screen again.

To control the configuration of the User Exit button per workcenter, navigate to the Application Administration, Application Common, Workers area.  Select a workcenter and expand User Exits section

Configure the button's Authentication, Visibility and Top Job visibility for this WorkCenter only.  When completed, press [SAVE] at the bottom of the screen.

User Exit buttons are always the last buttons on the WIP Page.

When the button is pressed, the webservice page will appear in a Pop-up, with the URL in an embedded iFrame.