In additional to the suggested SQL database maintenance (as outlined in the Database Utility manual) , an additional SQL Maintenance plan can be setup to reduce the size of the OAGIS database [PaperLess_OAGIS ] and clear old BulkLoad errors from the Main database [PaperLess]. Paper-Less does not have a procedure to reduce the size of the main database, either by archiving data or purging old data.
The main PaperLess database contains a stored procedure to use, which is: exec [PaperLess].dbo.usp_BulkLoad_Cleanup 90 where “90” indicates the number of days to keep. Paper-Less recommends only keeping 3 months worth of BulkLoad data or less.
The OAGIS databases queue up the outgoing ERP transactions and allow MV2 to run independent of ERP system. Once this data has been processed by ERP, there is typically no reason to keep this data. The database contains a stored procedure to use, which is: exec [PaperLess_OAGIS].dbo.usp_Message_Cleanup 90 where “90” indicates the number of days to keep. When the database is well over 1 year old, Paper-Less recommends running the stored procedure several times with 365, 200 and 90 days (for example), instead of trying to purge the database all at once. Reason being, is with the database in FULL recovery mode, every deletion is logged and Transaction Log file will fill up very fast as well. Once the database is only holding 90 days worth of data, many clients report improved MES Transaction speed.