If the Inspect on receipt = 1 in AMFLIBy/ITMSIT, MES will require the item be received to a quality (QC) location.
MES checks its dbo.ItemSite.InspectOnReceipt flag to determine if inspection is required for Production receipt items.
If the Inspect on receipt = 1 in AMFLIBy/ITMSIT, MES will require the item be received to a quality (QC) location.
Normally both AMFLIBy/ITMSIT and AMFLIBy/ITMRVA files should be set the same for the active item revision.
Use the following SQL Query on your MES SQL DB to find items with different settings in MES ItemSite and ItemSiteRevision files
SELECT ITM.Number, ISR.Revision, ITM.Description, ITM.InspectOnReceipt, ISR.InspectOnReceipt
FROM ItemSite as ITM join ItemSiteRevision as ISR on ITM.id = ISR.ItemSiteId
WHERE ITM.InspectOnReceipt <> ISR.InspectOnReceipt
ORDER BY ITM.Number, ISR.Revision