When Paper-Less is configured to backflush component items at the operation where used and the Issue Material (IP) screen is hidden, the following is the sequence used to find a valid location to backflush the quantity from:   

  • Default Warehouse/Location Override defined for the MES Workcenter is found in Application Admin in Paper-Less. (see Fig 1 below).  
  • Default Warehouse/Location defined for the Manufacturing Order Component Item (MOCI) also known as MODATA in XA ERP.  This value is recorded in the Paper-Less Database but comes from the ERP system.  
  • Default Warehouse/Location Override defined for the MES Item Revision, override settings found in Item Admin of Portal. (See Fig 2 below)
  • Use Oldest Warehouse/Location with quantity of the component as listed for the MES Item Balance, using FIFO Date.

If there is not enough quantity in the location selected by the above process and the Back-flush/Inventory Issue screen is not being shown to the user:  - Determine if the location can go negative?

If not, send notification and the issue transaction is not sent.

If it does, the transaction is sent normally.

NOTE:  If the user performing a job off with quantity that issues material as well does not have the inventory issue role, the transactions will be sent, but the badge number will be 0.  This is done to prevent missed valid transactions.  


Fig 1:  Default Warehouse and location settings above can be found in Classic Application>Application Admin>Workcenter>Inventory Settings - 



Fig 2:  Item and Item Revision settings come from Item Admin in MV2/MES Portal>Item Admin -